Google MyMaps, click on the MyMaps tab, log in with your google id.
--good tools for drawing a route and making a "hot" spot or designating landmarks
--links to images are a bit fussy-- no luck with Flickr, I used Picasa and got the link by ctrl clicking on the image
--has a "collaborate" feature
--not true GPS
Example made with Google MyMaps:
--It is ideal if you have a cell phone that encodes GPS data with your photos (like the iphone, and probably other smart phones.
--You can map photographs without GPS data, using Flickr Maps (click on the map in the sidebar in Flickr).
--You can add GPS data from a GPS device using an application such as GPS Photo Linker.
--Turn on GPS data in Flickr in Your Account > Privacy and Permissions > Import EXIF location data
View Resource Map in a larger map
Free Photo Mosaic Tools
--Can use photos from a Google Search (theoretically... I couldn't get this to work...) , a Flickr search, a folder of images on your local machine, or other sources. You can also combine sources.
--Processor intensive-- takes time to create.
Example: Mushroom Cloud made with a Flickr search of "bomb shelter"
Free Website Tools
--Free blogs, you can have more than one blog and manage them all from a single dashboard.
--This blog is created on blogger.
--Embed video from youtube, vimeo, or other public video streaming sites: copy the EMBED code (underneath the video in Youtube, or look for Sharing options).
--Make a slideshow: use Picasa to make a web album, then look on the sidebar for "Embed Slideshow"
--if Embed codes aren't working, try pasting them into "Edit HTML"
--Limitations: only 10 Pages. Limited templates (although templates are customizable).
--Free blogs, can edit multiple blogs on one dashboard
--Unlimited Pages
--Great templates
--Limitations: Slideshows are difficult make-- one workaround is FLickrSlidr which makes images into a video that you can embed.